Looking for distribution or joint venture agreements for high quality supplements offered with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) consulting system.

An Italian start up is specialized in the production of high quality supplements, for use in sports field or in general for wellness purpose. The added value is the integrated digital consulting system, which suggests the most suitable supplements based on user needs. The start up is looking for new partners for distribution or joint venture agreements
An Italian start up is specialized in the production of high quality supplements. These can be used in sports context or to improve physical and mental well-being. Specifically, the products are useful for: - microcirculation, favoring the functionality of capillaries and veins; - weight control, by acting on the metabolism; - maintaining cholesterol levels under control; - draining excess liquids and purifing the organism; - promoting mental relaxation and fighting stress; - joint and bone support; - others (e.g. to promote correct digestion, antioxidant action; to support the immune system ...). The company has also developed protein compounds, bars, flours and creams useful in sports training and post-workout recovery. An added value is the integrated digital consulting based on AI system, that is connected to the sell of these supplements. The system through an interactive questionnaire suggests the most suitable supplements taking in account user needs and life styles. The start up is interested in distribution agreements to expand its commercial network abroad and find new online/offline retailers. The company is interested also in joint venture agreements with new partners active in the same sector with supplementary skills and resources with the aim to set up a new entity with an ad hoc commercial proposal.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The partners sought could be distributors, able to expand the company's commercial network. Furthermore the start up is interested to get in contact with other companies active in the same sector to set up a new legal entity under a joint venture agreement. The partner should share skills and resources with the aim to create a new line of products.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Trade Marks,Copyright
External code: 