Montenegrin distributor of commercial kitchen equipment seeks partners under outsourcing agreement or subcontracting

CommercialČierna horaBOME20210215001
A medium sized company from Montenegro is aiming to facilitate availability of commercial kitchen equipment to the local market as well as to provide its customers with the set of professional and efficient pre-sales and post-sales services. The company is looking for partners from Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia under outsourcing agreement or subcontracting.
Medium sized company from Montenegro, set up in 2004, is aiming to facilitate availability of commercial kitchen equipment to the local market as well as to provide its customers with the set of professional and efficient pre-sales and post-sales services. Their service starts from professional kitchen layout design taking into consideration available space and budget, investors demand, type of a restaurant and potential output of food which needs to be prepared. Next step is supply, delivery and installation of kitchen equipment at the customers’ premises. Finally the company provides service and maintenance of the equipment during warranty period and after. Gelato and pastry products and equipment are significant part of their portfolio as well. Numerous well known gelato and pastry shops all around South East Europe are among their references. The company offers high quality kitchen equipment as well as gelato and pastry equipment and products which are produced in EU countries. All the equipment is CE norm certified and suitable to be implemented in quality control system in accordance to HACCP standards. The company has already set wide network of clients from South Eastern European countries (Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Kosovo). The company goal is expand partnership opportunities with potential partners involved in HORECA business who need high quality kitchen equipment as well as professional solutions in gelato and pastry business. Future partnership should be in a form of outsourcing agreement or subcontracting.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for broaden network of partners as long term business partners working under outsourcing agreement or subcontracting agreement mainly from Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania. Potential partners should be involved in HORECA business who need high quality kitchen equipment as well as professional solutions in gelato and pastry business.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 