Albanian manufacturer of fasteners and bolts offers its products under a distribution services agreement.

Founded in 2010, in Durres, Albania, this is a company which operates in the production of fasteners/bolts and holodynamics. With an experience of 25 years in Italy, the company wants to expand its activity by offering its products under distribution services agreement.
This is an Albanian company which operates in the Albanian market since 11 years, but with an even broader experience in the Italian market since 1995. The main areas of activity are: aerodynamics and holodynamics. In the field of aerodynamics the company provides assistance on pistons, hydro-motors, direct air engines. The same service are provided by the company on the field of holodynamics. The company offers about 9,000 items on the field of bolts and fasteners accessories such as all kinds of gaskets, nuts, hexagon bolts, hexagon socket bolts, screws, self tapping screws for concrete, tap board screws for chipboard, screw plugs, threaded rods, nuts, washers, keys, fasteners for t-slots; hexagon collar/ high/ long nuts, pins, rivets, accessories forcible and shift items industrial farms etc. The production method is cold forming and company imports raw material from the European companies who are supplied with ISO 9001 Quality Certificate. The recent capacity is up to 500 tons per year and 70% of the total manufacturing is special according to the customer requirements and due to a 30 years life time for each products as they are made by stainless steel, which guaranties long lifetime. After an experience more than 20 years, the company wants to expand its activity by searching foreign partners who are interested to cooperate using a distribution agreement. The main aim of cooperation selected is expanding into international market since the company has the capacity to produce more than for its local market.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Distribution services agreement best suits what this company is looking for in the European partner. They are looking for a long term and reliable partner which will be able to distribute the products into the EU markets The Albanian company will be the supplier of these materials, while the partner can choose the quantity and the specific products he wants to be supplied with.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
External code: 