Austrian company focused on climate change adaptation, water risk management and sustainability is looking for cooperation partners

A leading Austrian research, consulting and engineering company with a focus on climate change, the management of related risks and sustainability is looking for partners in Europe and beyond. The SME is interested to collaborate on project proposals with like-minded entities from the private and public sector under research cooperations or service agreements, in order to facilitate the transition to a climate resilient and low carbon future.
With the rising importance of climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its consideration in development processes of all sorts, the global demand for such expertise will be rising over the coming years. Taking into account the financial commitments of the international community, business opportunities and need for further expertise will be increasing as well. The Austrian SME can help companies to make use of the SDGs inside as well as outside the company for business opportunities. The Austrian company active in the field of climate change adaptation develops innovative, marketable technologies and strategies for sustainable adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. These include innovations for early warning and monitoring systems for the prevention of disasters, tools for modern risk management, concepts for adapted land-use, water resource and forestry management as well as sustainability management and communication. Founded in 2002, the Austrian SME has continuously extended its portfolio and can look back at more than 18 years of experience in its core business fields. The company has collaborated with over 500 public sector customers and partners, more than 200 private customers and partners and has a track record of more than 1000 sientific publications. It can offer services ranging from climate projections and climate risk assessments on the regional level to multi-risk-analyses for public authorities and businesses. Based on these scientifically sound and thorough assessments, it can design and implement participatory strategy-development processes, leading among others to climate change adaptation plans and mitigation options. These can be disseminated and their impact and outreach scientifically monitored and evaluated. The Austrian company offers the following services: • Hydrological modelling and flood forecasting • Development and implementation of strategic, technical and organizational measures for prevention, preparedness and crisis management • Calculation of damage potentials and insurance values for hydrometeorological disasters • Climate change impact studies • Evaluation of natural hazards (environmental, social and economic evaluation) • Risk assessment, management and communication • Capacity building for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) • Climate-sensitive risk profiling and management from the local to the international level, incl. GIS • Integration of remote sensing technologies • Descriptive presentation of the effects of climate change at local/regional levels • Compilation and coordination of existing adaptation-related initiatives and efforts in the respective community or region • Involvement of stakeholders, targeted PR campaigns, and awareness-building sessions on the subject of climate protection/adaptation to climate change • Involvement of employees in sustainability agendas • Internal communication on sustainability issues & internal training programmes • Creation of sustainability strategies & sustainability reports • Monitoring & evaluation of projects on sustainable development • Implementation of materiality analysis • Survey and evaluation of ESG (Environment Social Governance) risks + optimization of ESG ratings • Risk analysis on the impacts of climate change on different divisions of the company The Austrian company wants to enhance its outreach by applying its knowledge and expertise globally and is looking for international partners from the public and private sectors to collaborate under service agreements and/or research cooperation agreements. Potential collaborations adress the support of decision makers, institutions, businesses, and international organizations on climate change adaption and mitigation on the basis of sound scientific knowledge.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The Austrian company is looking for experienced partners to jointly apply for and implement projects in the fields of research and consulting in Europe and globally. In the fields of risk, water, and sustainability management as well as climate change adaptation, potential partners can be utilities, public authorities, companies and other actors engaged locally or regionally in these areas. Potential partners posess the necessary data and knowledge of local circumstances to tackle local challenges posed by climate change. The Austrian company is also interested in establishing research partnerships in order to jointly further develop tools and approaches for dealing with climate change. These can include energy monitoring systems, laser scanning applications, or flood risk modelling.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Exclusive Rights,Copyright
External code: 