Austrian company is looking for commercial agents in the sales, software implementation and customer area

The Austrian company is an LLC (limited liability company) and was founded in 2005 in Upper Austria. The company is looking for a long-term partner under a commercial agency contract, who is able to sell, implement and provide the first level support for its software. This IT tool is automating and digitising maintenance and quality processes in decentralised organisations, independent from the industrial sector. As a cloud platform, the software is easy to install and to use.
The company, situated in Austria, was founded in 2005 in order to provide retail organisations with consultancy services for the optimization of their maintenance processes. With its first customers, the company discovered many problems concerning the asset management process: The amount of equipment, open and closed faults, urgent faults, the number of open and closed legal test dates etc. Therefore, in 2006, the company started the development of a cloud-based software to manage all these items. Today this product is used by around 3000 retail stores and more than 4000 users operate the software daily. The software is automating and digitising maintenance and quality processes in decentralised organisations, independent from the industrial sector. The company can help to save up to 25% administrative costs, up to 20% lifecycle costs and increase the equipment availability by up to 30%. The main fields of application are fault management, follow-up of legal or preventive test dates, storage of all relevant documents as well as the reporting of fault history (object, equipment, region,..), cost open issues etc. Thanks to the long-standing (more than 20 years) experience of the company within the area of maintenance processes in such organisations, it was able to develop a software that covers practically all issues along this process chain. The Austrian company is looking for a commercial agency agreement. Its future cooperation partners should be active in the retail branch, independent from the branch itself, as well as in the industry.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for a partner to take over sales activities, the software implementation process with the customer and the first level support. Experience to implement software projects would help a lot to get a fast access to the market. After 6-12 months of common activities (sales, implementation, training) the partner should be able to act independently in the market. Then the support will be limited to big projects, second level support and training of new employees.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 