The company was founded in 2014 in the municipality of Kalinovik, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as an agriculture cooperative. It is specialized in cattle breeding in the cow-calf system and also has significant experience in the introduction of digital technology into this area. The company offers advisory services to potential partners through subcontracting agreement.
The company was established in January 2014 within the framework of the Czech project for the improvement of cattle breeding in the cow-calf system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was established as an agriculture cooperative located in municipality of Kalinovik, which mostly covers mountain area. Its founders are agricultural producers from the local municipality, and representatives of the academic community. The company has employed professionals of various education levels, such as skilled labor force, agricultural engineers and a doctor of agricultural science. The vision of the company is to become the main driver for the development of agricultural production at local level, but also to become a significant factor in the development of cattle breeding in the mountain area of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries.
The main field of work of the company is the cattle breeding in the cow-calf system. The company is a breeder of Aberdeen Angus cattle breed, both red and black.
With seven years of experience in this area, the company is able to identify key problems in this type of production. In response to the identified problems, the company continuously introduces different solutions and innovations. This especially refers to the introduction of digital technology into this type of agricultural production. While solving real problems in the field, the company gained experience in the adoption and application of various digital technology solutions. Some of these solutions include using cutting-edge IoT (Internet of Things) technology for monitoring and control of environmental and ambient conditions at the farm (e.g. temperature, humidity, water tank level, lighting). The company has also implemented a cattle-tracking solution based on LoRa (Long Range) low-power wireless network that is suitable for covering large mountain area without additional communication expenses.
By cooperating with new international partners, the company wants to expand its activities and to offer its expertise and services to international market. The countries of interest for potential partnership are all European countries. The company estimates that subcontracting agreement is proper cooperation type since potential partners have better access to the market opportunities in their respective area and thus have more chance to contract works in the agriculture sector. Through the subcontracting agreement, the potential partner is expected to subcontract a part of work that it cannot perform on its own. The external support from the company may include services focused on cattle breeding and introduction of digital technology in this area, as well as into other areas of agriculture.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for partners operating in the field of agriculture, who need an external expertise and/or advisory services in animal production sector and/or introduction of digital solutions in this sector. The partners sought are agricultural producers of different size and SMEs that provide services to agricultural producers.
Through the subcontracting agreement, the potential partner is expected to assign a part of its contractual obligations to the company.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: