Croatian company with digital platform for film industry offering promoting and search services for film industry through subcontracting agreement.

A Croatian company who has developed an online platform for promotion, networking and job ads in the film and TV industry is offering their services of promoting and searching for a job in the creative audio-visual industry, under a subcontracting agreement.
Croatian company who has developed an online platform for filming, TV and the creative audio-visual industry is offering their services under a subcontracting agreement. The company's goal is to have at one place all the production companies and professionals listed, to have a network of people and clients where they can search for the right person or a job in the creative audio-visual industry. It has also a news part of the site, where they promote and feature important news, interviews, film and tv series reviews, film festivals, and theatre performances. This platform is a tool for searching and hiring people in the film and TV industry. So far, the company took part in 10 world-class productions such as Ibiza (Netflix), The Dark Tower (Amazon), The Hitman´s Wife´s Bodyguard (Lionsgate). In 2020 the company launched a new version of the digital platform where one can find producers, cinematographers, editors, writers, basically all the people working in the film and TV industry. So the company is looking for potential partners for long-term cooperation in further development and use of the platform. The cooperation should be realised under the subcontracting agreement. The business model includes signing up for the platform and paying a certain amount of membership fee for those who want to use the platform to offer their services. Those looking for certain services can search the platform for free, and contact the company to connect them with a potential service provider. This is just part of the service offered. The company also does castings and search for adequate locations for filming various programs, and offers a complete service of assistance in production and post-production.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Ideal partners are production companies in the film and TV industry and the creative audio-visual industry; actors, and other professionals from film, TV and creative audio-visual industry; the film schools and the film agencies; the partner would use the platform to find potential collaborators, at the same time, the partner would participate in creating the content of the platform by putting their own content and offers for collaboration in the film, creative audio-visual industry and TV industry.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
External code: 