Durable product identification solutions (labels, nameplates, etc.) for electronics and automotive industries are offered under subcontracting

The Hungarian company is specialised in product identification solutions for the automotive, electronics, pharma and logistics markets in the Central European region. It is offering to manufacture these products for foreign business partners from the mentioned sectors under subcontracting.
The company is part of the largest label company in the world, providing innovative labelling solutions to the home & personal care, food & beverage, healthcare, automotive, electronics & consumer durables and retail & apparel markets worldwide. The Hungarian manufacturing site produces and sells product identification solutions for the Central-European region for almost 20 years now. The company is specialised in designing and manufacturing self-adhesive durable labels for the automotive, electronics, pharma and logistics markets. Its solutions include laminated labels for extra protection against mechanical and chemical exposures, type-specific nameplates for customised product identification, protective labels for in-process protection of sensitive parts, barcode labels for variable information machine-readable applications, security labels, warning labels, UL (Underwriters Laboratories) labels. The company always designs and manufactures based on customers unique needs and specifications. It offers now its mentioned products for foreign business partners from the automotive, pharma, electronics and logistic sector in a form of the subcontracting. They would like to expand their market in the Central and Eastern part of Europe.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The Hungarian company is looking for long-term partners who are in need of durable product identification solution, practically self-adhesive labels used in automotive and electronics manufacturing and assembly, pharma and logistics supply chains. The sought form of partnership is subcontracting.
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