Fast explicit model predicitve control

A German university offers a new explicit model predicitve control solution, optimized in a way that enables higher control speed and real time capability in process and control engineering and plant engineering. The technology is furthermore characterized by energy efficiency. Industrial licensees with an interest in further development are sought.
Model predictive control (MPC) has gained in importance in recent years in many industrial applications. Typical implementations are based on solving a numerical optimization problem in each clock cycle. In certain applications it is possible to dispense with numerical optimizations and instead to calculate an analzyic law of control with parametric programming methods, explicit model predicitve control (explicit MPC). A German university offers a new solution. Their invention implements explicit MPC control laws on a massively parallel reconfigurable hardware (field programmable gate arrays or similar). The degree of parallelization depends only on the hardware resources and is customizable. A microprocessor, as used in the classic MPC, is not needed. The circuit is ideal for embedded controllers due to its compact size, low power consumption and high clock rates. In addition, clock frequencies can be achieved that are well beyond those feasible with optimization-based MPC. In contrast to many optimization-based implementations, real-time capability can be guaranteed in the strictest sense. The invention can be used in all applications for which explicit MPC laws are available. The circuit is fast and very compact. Licenses are sought from the areas of industrial process and control, process engineering and plant engineering. As the technology is still at an early stage, further development will be necessary.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The university offers interested companies the opportunity for licensing the technology. Partners should be active in process and control engineering, plant engineering. The cooperation should include joint further development to bring the technology to implementation.
Stage of Development: 
Under development/lab tested
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
The procedure was verified experimentally.
IPR Status: 
Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
Patent granted in Germany
External code: 