A French SME offers a disruptive technology to broadcast the legal time of a country (UTC) using a new Secured and Traceable time signal via mainly computer networks, under a commercial agreement with technical assistance

A French SME has developed a technology which consists of setting up an infrastructure to broadcast the legal UTC time of a country in Time as a Service mode.The technology allows to augment cybersecurity and operation resilience by ensuring time integrity and traceability to end users throughout the distribution chain. The SME is looking for partners mainly for commercial agreement to sell the infrastructure with local technical assistance in installation, commissioning & maintenance.
The company is a French start-up that initially emerged from a collaborative project between industries and scientific research laboratories to respond to time-related sovereignty and cybersecurity issues arising from the digital economy. From cybersecurity and regulatory perspective, it has become essential to use reliable and legal time sources in more and more industries : Transportation, energy, finance, legal, Telecom, Industry 4.0 … The infrastructure based on its patented technologies can be implemented at nationwide to provide a robust and resilient timing services (Time As a Service) across the country, to mitigate the risk from dependency on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellite system and impact of jamming/spoofing , reinforce the national cybersecurity and protect its digital sovereignty. It can also be set up in a closed network, where the owner will be the master of Time against malicious cyberattacks, get the highest efficiency with all processes that interoperate correctly, and data integrity assurance in evidence management. The breakthrough technology allows end-to-end traceability of Time signal throughout the whole distribution chain from the legal time source to each client device connected to its infrastructure. The company is looking for partners mainly for commercial agreement to sell the infrastructure in their country with technical assistance in installation, commissioning and maintenance of the infrastructure and development of timing services. Users can subscribe to Timing service through a network of certified broadcasters. Subscription options are created to meet requirements of various users, in terms of time security, accuracy, and regulatory compliance.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for partners mainly for commercial agreement to promote the technology and sell the infrastructure in their country with technical assistance in installation, commissioning & maintenance of the infrastructure and development of timing services. It could be an advantage if the potential partner is providing cybersecurity services.
Stage of Development: 
Field tested/evaluated
IPR Status: 
Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
3 patented technologies.
External code: 