A German food processing company is looking for commercial agency or distribution agreement partners

A German company from the food processing sector, focusing on private label customers, is looking for commercial agency agreement or distribution services agreement partners. The company is focused on premium products with high quality such as soups and stews, ready-to-serve meals in cans or deep frozen and premium sauces in glasses.
The German company as an owner-managed medium-sized brand manufacturer with over 35 years of industry experience, has the most important prerequisites needed to be successful in the sector of high-quality convenience products. The food processing company develops and produces premium food with focus on private label customers with branded assortments, like soups and stews, ready-to-serve meals in cans or deep frozen and premium sauces in glasses. The high quality is proven by various certifications. The many long-standing customers also confirm the quality of the company's products. This distinguishes the company from its competitors. In addition, the company is constantly working on adapting its products to current trends and desires of its customers. Therefore, low carb and low fat products are now also part of the product range. The company is looking for commercial agency agreements in order to promote their products on international markets and for distribution services agreement partners to support the Europe-wide selling of their products.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Prospective business partners from the food sector e.g. manufacturer, wholesale or retail should dispose of knowledge of their respective markets. Tasked to be performed are promoting and supporting the distribution of the products within a commercial agency or distribution services agreement.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
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