Irish mining firm offering innovative recovery techniques for extracting base metal material from mine waste and assisting site remediation in closed mines seeks joint venture partners and/or service agreements across Europe

The Irish company has designed a sophisticated extraction method for recovering base metals such as zinc, copper, lead, silver, etc. from existing mined waste. It can also assist in the cleanup of the contaminated area to safe levels by removing or isolating metal contaminants. The company is seeking commercial service agreements and /or joint venture partners to derived base metals from existing mine waste material and/or site remediation in old European mine sites.
Mining has become more costly in recent years with the increasing overheads and regulations; many mining operations are now seeking alternative recovery methods for closed mines. This Irish based company is owned by experienced mining consultants that have worked throughout the world in both operational and specialist advisory roles. Current mine waste and tailings reprocessing operations in the mining industry are only focused on precious metals such as gold. Through their advanced extraction designed method valuable base metals can be recovered. As the costly aspect of the mining (i.e. getting the material up from underground) has already been done; this offering can provide an alternative income from existing mine waste. The method is also suitable for site remediation for mitigating contamination from metals or metal compounds, particularly resulting from the situation of mine tailing waste on or near water sources, including the reprocessing and redeposit of separated sands and slimes in-site. This helps with the environmental liability for owners of existing mines; it is self-sustainable, and aligns with the European Union's strategy of self-sustainability. The company would like to explore commercial service agreements and/or joint venture opportunities to extract economic quantities of metal from waste materials and/or site remediation works.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Company is seeking to source mining companies or mine owners interested in mine recovery methods to partner with in term of joint ventures and/or service agreements.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought: 
Not applicable
Stage of Development: 
Prototype available for demonstration
IPR Status: 
Secret Know-how,Design Rights
External code: 