Italian company interested in taking part in LIFE projects or Horizon Europe applications in agriculture monitoring

An Italian company with competencies related to ICT applications in agro-food and environment is interested in taking part in project proposals addressing EU green deal, LIFE, or other programmes and projects with the same potential and applications. The Italian company is interested in research collaborations or technical collaborations in case of customized requests outside EU programmes.
An Italian company with competencies related to phytosanitary and agronomic models of mathematical simulation as well as web services applied to agricultural companies is interested in offering competencies to join EU projects related to Green Deal, Environment, LIFE Programme, etc. The models developed by the company allow to analyze the data collected by meteorological stations or wireless sensor networks in the field to obtain climate or phytosanitary risk indices. In this way, the system provides concrete decision support to the end user. The forecasting models used within the platform have been developed starting from collaborations in universities and research and development projects. Each model (agronomic and phytopathological) is validated over multi-year periods by comparing the stages of development of the pathologies/problems observed in the field and those simulated by the models. Subsequently, the algorithms were optimized through a progressive calibration of some significant parameters and weights. Finally, these calibrations have been successfully tested in a number of statistically relevant agronomic realities. The decision support syste (DSS) software, relating to agronomic management (e.g. irrigation and fertilization model) together with the prediction models of phytosanitary risk (specific diseases and pests for crops) allows optimization in the timing and dosage of water, fertilizers, and phytosanitary treatments. Examples of models applications already in place are: risk model for peronospora viticola, powdery mildew of the vine, moth of the vine, olive fly, diabrotica and corn borer. The company, already experienced in EU projects, is interested in contributing, with its own qualifications and knowledge, to EU projects proposals addressing relevant agricultural or environmental or meteorological related needs.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The Italian company is interested in collaborating with organisations (public or private, SMEs or NGOs), that are preparing a proposal to be submitted under an EU Programme (ideally, within EU Green Deal, LIFE Programme, but other Programmes will be considered as well if they are in line with the main activities and objectives of the company), through a research cooperation agreement. Company could also be interested in technical cooperations in case organisations want to customize some solutions outside EU Programmes.
Stage of Development: 
Field tested/evaluated
IPR Status: 
External code: 