Italian Company specialised in Risk prevention and mitigation related to wildfires monitoring

An Italian company is interested in taking part in project proposals addressing environmental monitoring, risk prevention and risk mitigation, sensors and wildfires, through decision support systems. The company already has experience in EU funded projects and is open to research collaborations with other EU organisations working to submit under Horizon Europe calls or LIFE.
The nowadays worldwide wildfire context is defined by extreme fire behaviour characterized by rapid fire spread, intense burning, long-range fire spotting and unpredictable shifts. Extreme wildfire events have an extraordinary socio-economic impact in terms of both loss of human life and economic damage. The main problems that faced firefighters operators are: lack of reliable early-time fire detection tools; unpredictability of fire ignition and unpredictable behavior of extreme events. An Italian company is interested in applying, as a partner or as a supplier, within a project proposal to improve capabilities and skills of First Responders organisations with a focus on their cooperative work during the mitigation of large disasters, under calls for proposals of Horizon Europe or LIFE. Company already has a network of partners that could be involved and is interested in being partner or supplier of the project proposal. The idea behind is to have a Decision Support System (DSS), that aims to support actions in the three main phases of fire management: 1. forest fire prevention and mitigation; 2. event management; 3. post-fire recovery. The solution alllows to have through satellite images, in-situ ancillary data and weather numerical predictions, timely and reliable fire forecast information. The Italian company is interested in finding a potential consortium that could include from public administrations to private companies, involved in fire monitoring, prevention, management and damage mitigation, interested in submitting a proposal under the mentioned call (sub-topic Open). The searched consortium should foresee to implement a proposal addressing systems for first reponders.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Partners and coordinators that are currently involved in or thinking to form consortia for the open H2020 Security calls in Disaster Resilient Societies or Infrastructure. Organisations with Horizon 2020 experience that are active in disaster relief and wildfire management or need partners that can provide such services.
Stage of Development: 
Project already started
IPR Status: 
External code: 