An Italian company working in the area of selective waste collection and the circular economy is looking to join consortia intending to participate in European Calls covering the above sectors.

An Italian company has been operating successfully for over 10 years in the area of waste collection, dealing in the trade of waste management equipment, ecological consultancy and the development and processing of waste collection data. The company wishes to join consortia intending to participate in European calls (e.g. H2020, Life,..) of waste management and the circular economy to contribute its expertise and test new solutions through a research cooperation agreement.
The Italian company is a green market focused company, supplying a wide range of products for the whole waste recycling industry. It develops a full set of products and ICT solutions for municipalities’ waste management needs and the circular economy industry. Among their products, there are also software-based ICT solutions in the waste management field, a barcode/RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) based system and an advanced fleet management system, which allow customers to trace the whole lifecycle of waste. The company sets up activities for its customers to easily start up and manage their waste streams. It owns technological and scalable systems that constantly monitor and track waste streams coming from household curbside collection and/or municipal recycling centers. In addition to the production of specific software, it also validates solutions and creates test environments as well as demos on developed products and specialised platforms. The company offers innovative products, customisation of products and services, technical support and specialised consultancy. For better performance in the use of its software, the company trains staff in the use of the platforms and systems it has developed for waste monitoring and customises already developed environments according to the customer's needs and requirements. The systems they have already developed are already being used by many customers to record and monitor the recycling activities of citizens and companies. In the last two years, the separate collection market and the main public and private clients have expressed the need to obtain an updated and constant information flow regarding the separate collection and recycling activities that take place in their urban areas. Specifically, the need has arisen to create an electromechanical access control system that would be able to limit, control and record access and/or use of containers and areas used for recycling activities. It is for this reason that the company has now developed a system capable of responding to this request by creating a hardware system for waste delivery. The company is looking to join consortia intending to participate in European R&D projects on the Circular Economy and on Technological Innovation related to the Environmental and Recycling Industry (i.e. LIFE, Horizon Europe,..) through a research cooperation agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for European R&D Partners that have European financing projects experience and that are interested in joint participation on innovative projects in the Environmental and Recycling Industry (i. e LIFE, Horizon Europe,...). Technical specification and expertise sought: - young and fast paced company - high ICT skills - R&D skills - software skills - circular economy background - municipal solid waste recycling industry background
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Granted patent or patent application essential
External code: 