Italian ice cream producer developed a new production system and is looking for partners under distribution agreements or franchise

A small company from Turin developed a new production system for making hand made ice cream like it was made in 1800. The system is perfect for restaurants and all the other actors. It can be used for making ice cream or all kinds of desserts. The company is looking for a distribution services agreement or franchise agency agreement.
Italian company from the Torino area developed a new production system in order to produce handmade Italian ice cream (gelato). The system is innovative and user friendly because it is not necessary to have the classic ice cream machines, but just the whipping machine. The company developed a kit with the raw materials and instructions. The new system is: - green, because do not waste water during the production procedure as the classic system does - versatile, because ice cream or cream for preparing desserts can be obtained. The Italian company is starting to deliver the new kits in Italy with great success and is now looking for distributors in contact with restaurants and other actors, in order to distribute this innovative and patented kit. The company is also interested in finding potential franchisees in order to open flagship shops.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for partners in order to: - distribute the kit in other countries in restaurant and market - find franchisees in order to open flagship stores
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
The company is starting to deliver the new kits in Italy with great success
IPR Status: 
Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
Patent granted for Italy
External code: 