A Lithuanian company specializing in project proposal preparation, project administration, and consultancy services is offering business cooperation under joint venture, outsourcing or subcontracting agreements

The Lithuanian company is looking for business partners in Austria, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and Norway to offer project proposal preparation, project administration, and consultancy services under outsourcing or subcontracting agreements or cooperate under joint venture agreement.
The consulting company was established in 2010 and has been successfully working with the Lithuanian and foreign governmental and business organizations in preparation and implementation of projects financed by the European Union funds (local and international programs - Nord plus, Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, Interreg, etc.). The company implemented and coordinated numerous different projects in Lithuania and abroad. The company experts are strong in the following areas: - educology (children's and adult education); - research and development; - ecology and renewable energy research; - also, the company is working with experts in the fields of tourism, culture, and health. The company is offering cooperation in the preparation and implementation of EU projects in the fields listed above. In the case of cooperation with the company, the partners will benefit from a wide circle of experts and reliable partners. The company providing individual solutions for each EU project. The company has developed and successfully coordinated the international projects listed below: - Two different projects of EU program Nordplus Junior 2019. In innovation in education themes, about intellectual properties and education platforms. - Six different projects of the EU program Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Lithuania-Russia 2014-2020. In international eco-tourism, inclusive culture, health care, and psychology fields. - One project of EU program Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014 – 2020. In the social inclusion and health field. - Two different projects of EU program Erasmus+ KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education. In intellectual property, the interactive tools field. The activities of the company are divided into two main directions: 1. Provides integrated services in the areas of project proposal preparation, project administration, and consultancy. The organization working in education, business promotion, and development, innovations, culture and tourism, rural and regional development fields. 2. Prepares and implements educational innovation projects. Following services are offered to potential business partners in Austria, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Norway: • Participation in projects with international partners under a joint venture agreement; • Providing aforementioned services on behalf of a client under a subcontracting agreement; • Hiring the company as an external expert to provide the services under an outsourcing agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for two types of partners: - Consultancy organizations interested in long-term international cooperation on the preparation of projects in various fields and themes, project partners search, project development, and new initiatives development. - Partners preparing or wishing to join educational innovation projects. The company can offer cooperation under different agreements: Joint Venture Agreement, Subcontracting, or Outsourcing Agreement. The partner should be interested in project development, project partner's search, and new initiatives development. The partner should be able to administer and implement various projects. Also, the partner needs to have different partners in their countries which ones he can offer like specialists, experts, or other interests in education, business promotion, and development, innovations, culture and tourism, rural and regional development fields. Also, a potential partner must be not bankrupt or being wound up, creditors are not entered into an agreement, suspended or limited their activity or situation of the country where it is registered.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 