Moldovan plant nursery specialized in the production of thujas, trees, roses, and conifer trees seeks distributors

The Moldovan company was established in 1959 and is one of the largest decorative nurseries in the Republic of Moldova. The company specializes in the production of decorative coniferous and deciduous trees, flowering shrubs is looking for partners under a distribution services agreement.
The Moldovan plant nursery is specialized in the production of decorative coniferous and deciduous trees, flowering shrubs, decorative seedlings that are grown in containers and can be sold all year round. The company carries out its activities in the field of growing decorative planting material and has a wide range of dendrological planting materials: trees and shrubs, conifers, and evergreen species. The company offers the following plants: thujas, trees, roses, lilac, and conifer trees, shrubs, etc. Its production covers an area of more than 100 hectares. All plants are acclimatized to the conditions of the harsh continental climate. The grafted cultures of deciduous plants offered by the nursery have a huge variety of spherical, weeping, winding forms. The nursery offers competent and high added value by pre and after-sale advice to commercial partners. Currently, the company exports its products to various countries such as Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, Belarus, Turkey, Azerbaijan and would want a partner that can assist the company in distributing more of its products in the external market. The transportation and packaging of the plants for export to the EU countries is done in peat, packaged in the protection films for the bale. The export of plants with soil is prohibited in the EU markets. For the CIS countries, transportation can be done with soil that is subject to a preventive analysis. The flowers are exported with bare roots. The partnership can be formed via a distribution service agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company would like to expand its business in new markets. It is interested in long-term partnerships with companies having proven experience in decorative seedlings, decorative coniferous and deciduous trees, flowering shrubs with a strong distribution chain, and great knowledge of the market needs. Thus, it is interested in entering into a distribution service agreement with plant shops, design, and building landscaping companies, traders who want to sell the plants produced by the Moldovan company as well as with other nurseries. The potential partner is expected to be reliable, financially strong, responsible, and must have good contacts within the commercial sector. The role of the potential partners would be to represent and promote the portfolio of the products as well as to sell the products within their distribution network on the local market.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 