A Polish company is looking for a partner interested in implementing a wireless parking space detection system on a license agreement

A Polish company, which designs and manufactures modern equipment for traffic and pedestrian management at intelligent city intersections, is looking for a foreign partner to implement its latest solution - a wireless parking space occupancy detection system on uncovered surfaces - on the basis of a licensing agreement.
The company was founded in Poland in 2011. It is a technology company, focused on the design and implementation of IT solutions in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart City, in line with the concept of sustainable development philosophy. The company specializes in designing and manufacturing modern devices for: - road and pedestrian traffic management at smart downtown intersections and uncovered parking lots, using Earth magnetism, communicating wirelessly, - industrial urban composting plants, monitoring the state of exothermic biochemical processes occurring in compost heaps, communicating wirelessly, - trenchless techniques for constructing underground engineering installations, control and measuring instruments and measuring heads; The company also designs LED light sources for specific customers, in stationary and mobile facilities. Wireless parking space detection system is dedicated to external parking lots, especially those located in compact urban structures. Each parking space to be controlled is equipped with a wireless sensor mounted directly in the existing pavement. Obtained collective information may be processed for monitoring purposes for the manager of a parking lot, public information i.e. occupancy charts or for the purposes of mobile applications for drivers. Installation of the sensors is non-invasive and quick, resulting in no restrictions to current parking operations. It is possible to integrate the wireless parking space occupancy detector with mobile applications, parking information boards and other public space management systems. The sensor can be equipped with a module that communicates with a vehicle authorized to occupy priority spaces. The company will work with foreign partners on a license agreement basis.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is searching for partners in Europe and beyond that are experienced in implementing Smart City solutions or have well established relations with selfgovernments or other administrative bodies that take decision concerning big public parkings or manage public parking areas. It may be also private companies or other organizations that are in need to manage the traffic on their parking areas (like universities, hospitals, big companies). The company would like to cooperate under licence agreement.
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