Polish logistics company offers transportation and relocation/removal services under subcontracting and outsourcing agreement

A Polish company specialized in road transportation and relocation/removal services is looking for European partners in need of logistics services. The company offers its services under subcontracting or outsourcing agreements.
Polish company specialized in road transportation and relocation/removal services is located in north-eastern part of Poland, not far from Polish/EU border with Belarus (around 65 kilometres). The company has extensive experience in relocation/removal services on regional, national and international level; the clients include individual (private) and institutional (corporate) parties. The company has been engaged in transportation of different types of cargo, ranging from valuable antiques such as pianos, to specialised medical, hospital, and laboratory equipment. What is more, the company has also experience in relocation/removal services of several plants, which included the transportation of manufacturing equipment and its assembly on-site in a new location. Examples of services rendered: - medical (hospital) equipment from 5 floors, including doctor’s duty rooms, operating theatres, maternity and delivery rooms; - medical (hospital) equipment from 3 floors, including lasers, microscopes, equipment from operating theatres. - office equipment and workstations or around 200 people. The company has a diversified vehicle fleet ranging from standard minibuses to light goods vehicles (15, 20, and 40 m3) with a cargo lift. All services provided by the company are insured (up to 85 000 EUR) The company would like to find new clients in Europe and offers its services on a long-term basis under subcontracting and outsourcing agreement. It is looking for partners who need someone to take care of logistics services (transportation, carrying cargo into specific location, on-site assembly).
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company would like to find new clients in Europe and offers its services on a long-term basis under subcontracting and outsourcing agreement. It is looking for partners who need someone to take care of logistics services (transportation, carrying cargo into specific location, on-site assembly).
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 