Polish manufacturer of PVC products looking for Eastern Europe partners interested in manufacturing or distribution service agreement

The company is located in North-East Poland and is active on the market since 1983. They specialize in PVC products like garden or technical hoses, automotive parts, granulates/pellets and are open to cooperation (manufacturing agreement or distribution service agreement) with companies from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
The Polish company has 40 years of experience in the PVC industry and delivers products to customers in Poland and Europe, which effectively builds its position on the market. The product catalogue is constantly being improved and expanded. The company's offer includes: -garden hoses (multi-layered, UV resistant, different colours, with No Twist System), -granules (different colours, density and hardness, with special properties), -garden accessories (nultifunctional spray guns, quick connectors, grass sprinklers), -garden edgings (ideal for determining boundaries of lawn, flower or crop area), -technical hoses (for plant protection products, for gasoline and oil, for compressors and pumps), -products for horticulture (hoses and sticks for fixing plants in horticulture and gardening), -automotive products (insulating, corrugated pipes), -soft and hard profiles (used in furniture production, interior decorations). The company already cooperates with European countries but would like to expand to Eastern ones like Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. They are interested in offering their products under manufacturing agreement or distribution service agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Type of partner sought: PVC production or distribution company Specific area of activity of the partner: gardening, horticulture, automotive industry Task to be performed by the partner: long-term cooperation through manufacturing or distribution services agreement - ordering specific products to be manufactured or distributing the existing offer
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 