Romanian entrepreneur specialized in change management consulting and strategy is offering his services to international clients under outsourcing agreements

With 20 years of experience in business and related management consultancy activities and having successfully achieved many business projects for international companies, the Romanian entrepreneur is offering change management consulting and strategy, management consulting and business strategy & planning for foreign clients under outsourcing agreements.
Established in Transylvania, a Romanian entrepreneur is for almost 20 years actively involved in the field of business and management consultancy activities for national and international companies. Having a background in economics, with post graduate studies in economics & mathematics in Austria, the Romanian entrepreneur is assisting companies in finding the right path for development, being a reliable change partner. Smoothing the operational processes in business, the Romanian entrepreneur has a wide expertise in working with companies, starting with • creating and operating controlling systems; • operative budgeting and planning; • financial management; • strategy design; • business plans And last, but not least, being specialized in ►change management consulting and strategy. Thus, the Romanian entrepreneur supported SMEs in change and strategy projects. Willing to enlarge its projects portfolio and having successfully achieved many business projects for international companies, the Romanian entrepreneur is offering change management consulting and strategy, management consulting and business strategy & planning for foreign clients under outsourcing agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The type of partner sought: SMEs, large companies. - SMEs/ large companies considering the consulting services as an influential and powerful tool for organizational change, bringing new life to the organization are sought. - Future-oriented companies who want to adapt to an everlasting changing business environment and willing to develop sustainable transformation processes in terms of change management consulting and strategy are sought. The tasks to be performed by the partner sought: contracting the consultancy services needed for the internal change management and strategy of the company on the basis of an outsourcing agreement, providing the necessary data and working together with the Romanian entrepreneur in the best interests of the company. The foreign company should assign the activities related to management consulting to the Romanian entrepreneur, who has expertise in change management consulting and strategy and can provide tailored services. Companies that want to rethink their strategies should be working with the Romanian entrepreneur and develop projects in terms of management consulting.
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