The Russian producer of dietary supplements, medical products, oral hygiene products and baby food products seeks distributors

The Russian company specializing in the field of basic pharmaceutical products has developed the innovative therapeutic and prophylactic drugs based on substances of plant origin (phytopreparations). The research clinical work on the study of the therapeutic, prophylactic and health-improving effects of the manufactured drugs has been carried out with leading experts. The company is looking for partners for cooperation under distribution services agreement.
Based in the Moscow region, the Russian company was founded in 2010. For 10 years, the company has become a successful developer in the field of basic pharmaceutical products that are used in Russia. The company's specialists have extensive experience in the development of innovative therapeutic and prophylactic drugs. The company’s main activities are the development, registration, production, and production of innovative therapeutic and prophylactic drugs based on substances of plant origin (phytopreparations). The main products are: • Ambulance for drunkenness, hangover, dizziness. Quickly reduces blood alcohol levels, restores movement coordination, relieves headaches and nausea. Cleans the body of toxins. Improves and facilitates liver function. • Natural vitamin C in combination with numerous natural biologically active substances of rosehip fruits. • Medicine that promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. Improves and facilitates liver function, has a choleretic effect, normalizes metabolism, increases the body's resistance to disease and during intoxication. • Medicine that improves cardiac circulation, normalizes the rhythm, reduces the risk of heart disease, strengthens the heart muscle. Recommended for physical and nervous stress, with thermal stress in the bath. As well as for the elderly. • Medicine that normalizes sleep, prevents the development of depression, prevents neuroses, relieves nervous tension during the period of increased emotional stress and during the examination session. increases vitality. • Disinfectant, anti-inflammatory agent for the prevention and treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis, and rhinitis. Available in powder form. • Plates eliminate bleeding gums, relieve pain and swelling, strengthen gums and teeth, eliminate bad breath, and provide treatment for a long time. A highly effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of gingivitis, periodontitis, and periodontitis. • Tablets of long-term therapeutic action. Quickly relieve inflammation, pain, sore throat, increase immunity. The characteristic qualities of innovative phytopreparations are based on: - a high effect of therapeutic, adaptive, health-improving, and preventive action. - hypoallergenic, as well as the absence of side effects and negative effects when used correctly. - original innovative technology of extraction of medicinal plants with the preservation of their high natural activity in small dosages. - development and implementation of the original innovative technology of extraction of medicinal plants with the preservation of their high natural activity in small dosages. Product certification complies with all-Union State Standards (ISO 9001:2015). The company is interested in finding partners abroad to develop and expand its network of distributors to the foreign market. The company wants to expand abroad with growing production and therefore they wish to find new partners - distributors, capable to roll out the products on their markets, based on distribution services agreement. The company would like to establish long-term cooperation.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Type: The company is interested in working with SME and large pharmaceutical businesses, for example, distributors of pharmaceuticals supplying pharmacies, drugstores, medical centres, Internet sites for the sale of drugs. Role: Under the distribution services agreement, the Russian company will supply the necessary equipment to the partner for the subsequent sale. The company is ready to provide its partner with the necessary products. The partner, in turn, must provide the geography of product distribution, relevant documentation and information.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Trade Marks,Other
External code: 