Singapore manufacturer of halal pastes and food products seeking European partners via distribution service agreement

The Singapore-based company manufactures halal spices, sauces, and food products for traditional Muslim Malay cuisine. The company wants to expand beyond Singapore and is looking for European partners to help it do so through a distribution service agreement.
Established in 2008, the company offers a range of Halal pastes and food products in Singapore. The Singapore company began by manufacturing Rempeyek delicacies, which are deep-fried savoury Javanese crackers made from flour, often rice flour, with other ingredients bound or coated in crispy flour batter. Over time, the company broadened its business model by launching its own sambal belacan. Sambal Belacan is a popular spicy Muslim chili paste made of chilies, belacan (shrimp paste), and lime juice. The sambal paste may be used in a variety of Southeast Asian cuisines, either to add spice and flavour to cuisines or as a dipping sauce. Among the various types of sambal paste available are original sambal belacan, sambal belacan bunga, sambal belacan mangga, sambal kicap, sambal ayam penyet, sambal belado, sambal tumis, sambal tumis, sambal ijo and sambal otak udang. Rawon, asam pedas,rendang, lemak cili padi, ayam masak merah, lodeh, soto, urab, sambal goreng, and bumbu pecel paste are among the pastes available. Kerepek ubi pedas, rempeyek pumpkin seed, rempeyek bitter gourd, rempeyek spinach, rempeyek green bean, and rempeyek peanut are among the rempeyek varieties available. The Singapore company has successfully exported its products to Brunei, Malaysia, and Australia, and is keen to explore and export its products into Europe. The desired outcome for the partnership is for the European partner to distribute the Singapore company's products in major European cities. The partnership is achieved through a distribution partnership agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
To assist them to distribute their products, the Singapore company is looking for a European partner that is well-linked to Asian supermarkets, restaurants, and cafés in European cities. Potential partners with experience in distributing Asian foods are preferred. The partnership will be achieved through the distribution service agreements.
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