A Slovak SME offering a web portal (online interface) for municipalities focused on creating and editing of strategic documents is looking for an agent or a partner who could be helpful with the process of entering the markets

Web portal provided by Slovak company is online service for local-governments and municipalities which has been created to simplify the work with the strategic documents. These are usually elaborated and revised only by the use of text editors. The user is usually someone from local-government or municipality.The Slovak company is looking mainly for an agent for Austrian, German, Polish and Ukrainian market or for a strategic partner who could be helpful with the process of entering the markets.
The Slovak company is focused on creating of strategic documents for regional development at local and regional level. The company was founded in 2016 and it consists of three team members devoted to creation of strategic documents for regional development and education of local-governments. This company has created several successful regional-development documents in Slovakia. The first idea to create a brand new service for local-governments appeared in minds of team members of this company already during the 2015, when the company (on the basis of its own performed terrain research) tried to cover some already existing administrative problems the local-governments and municipalities in Slovakia dealed with. Afterwards the company started to plan the development of a special web service for municipalities. In 2016 the company started a research within the Slovakia territory in a field of strategic planning. The results of this research showed that up-to 66% of municipalities and 81% of local-governments would like to create/edit strategic documents in online interface and are looking for simplier way how to do it. Based on these results the company started to look for IT experts, who will provide the technical support for the web app solution. It took four months to get the system through the development until the moment the use of this solution could be already initiated. Before the launch of a web platform, the solution was successfully presented to individual local-governing regions, which assessed it with positive reactions and recommended it to launch. The main goal was to create a solution that will be user-friendly and simple for not IT- and regional development-skilled people. The offered web portal is a website for municipalities and cities, which are operating on a principle of registration. The website is intended for processing and subsequent work with the strategic documents. These are usually text materials that include e.g. the complete analysis of the territory, demographics, transport and technical infrastructure, the environment, and lastly the summaries of individual projects which the municipality wants to implement over the next few years. Unregistered visitors have the access to various news from the area of regional development, specific Structural Funds Calls, etc. After the registration the user is able to choose to create two types of mandatory development documents – for the “Programme of the Economic and Social Development” or “The Community Plan of Social Services”. After clicking on one of these two options, it is possible to enter the user environment, where the individual sections of development document are ready to be filled in. These sections are always prepared according to the current standards and regulations. For each section, the custom help texts are available, thank to which the documents could be processed by the untrained person, as well. The user selects the section he/she want to work with, clicks on a section and writes the texts online. Many sections have already prepared mandatory texts and tables, due to which the work is much easier and effective. Data (unlike the processing them in MS Word programme) are needed to be entered only once, but at the end, they are translated into all necessary parts in the resulting final document in .pdf format. As a reprisal of the use of the web portal, the municipalities and cities pay the annual fee, which is set individually according to their size and current stage of regional development. Prices range from 200 EUR for the smallest municipalities to 900 EUR for the large cities. The Slovak company is looking mainly for an agent to sell their services abroad (via commercial agency agreement). Secondly, they are looking for a strategic partner from disseminated countries (Poland, Austria, Germany, Ukraine) to help them with the adaptation of the service to the specific needs of these markets (via services agreement).
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Type of partner sought: State institutions dealing with the regional development (e.g. Ministries and etc.), companies processing strategic documents, respectively focused on regional development and local-governments, as well. Role of partner: The Slovak company is looking for partner from countries already mentioned in dissemination field (Austria, Germany, Poland, Ukraine) that could be helpful with the process of entering the above mentioned trades and know the individual specific market conditions, as well. This includes the exchange of information, skills and the help with the adjustment of offered service to specific or individual needs given by a foreign market. The goal of this cooperation would be the spreading of innovative manner of work with strategic documents to other countries, where it will be adapted from the point of legislative view, while know-how and technologies will still remain the same.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
The draft of web portal was created in the middle of the year 2015 and was lauched in September 2016.
IPR Status: 
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