Specialized company from Serbia, whose primary activity is educating and organizing short and intensive training is offering cooperation under a subcontracting agreement

Serbian company is offering coaching, three-week-long training, and workshops in the fields of career advancement, leadership, and challenge management. The company is looking for partners interested in the implementation of online consultancy and training projects in the business and academic sectors. The company offers to cooperate under a subcontracting agreement.
The Serbian company is specialized in online training courses for supporting and inspiring teams in developing their roles, communication skills, and competencies. For the company, the skills are not anymore just technical and administrative bits of knowledge but practical experience of professional situations that everyone faces on their professional path. The company has developed a set of intensive training programs whose goal is to assist and teach recently employed staff and first jobbers. The skills taught are identified by the corporate employers which their staff didn’t get through formal education. The company is specialized in supporting and inspiring recently employed team members in developing and understanding their roles, competencies, and required skills. The main mission of the company is to support graduates to kick off their employment in the best possible manner. Situations of unsuccessful job hunt on one side and lack of employees on others can be discouraging for both, young people looking for their first workplace and companies spending their resources trying to find the right person. With that in mind, the training program of self-efficiency and necessary skills represents a way to overcome this problem. The training and workshops are beneficial for the companies since they are motivating newly employed to innovate and create change that will help grow and shape the future success of the company. The company is offering to work as a subcontractor since the range of workshops and training courses are relatively rarely offered online by the coaching and consulting companies.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for partners interested in the implementation of training projects that at the same time are in need of experienced and specialized support in the fields of leadership, problem-solving, and communication. The company is also looking for a partner to participate in international projects related to platform development for youth employment as a subcontractor or partner.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Secret Know-how
External code: 