Starch-based adsorbent for the production of household chemicals and medicines.

A Polish scientist has developed a method of producing starch-based adsorbent. Thanks to its properties (i.e. lack of colour, odour or flavour), the adsorbent can be used for the manufacturing of household chemicals and medicines as well as in the printing industry. The production process is simple and utilises inexpensive materials, thus the invention can be easily and quickly introduced by a partner. License agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance are offered.
A scientist from northwestern Poland that specialises in immobilisation technologies has developed a method of producing adsorbent made from starch using a spray drying process. The offered invention can be applied in chemical, pharmaceutical or printing industries. Its production is scalable and economical, thanks to the simplicity of the whole process and use of commonly available, budget materials. The starch-based adsorbent enables the production of a wide variety of goods in a form of powder, granules, pills or suspended-matter. A powdered thinner of fragrances with the offered substance can adsorb water from organic solvents as well as odours from the atmosphere. The technology also allows for controlled release of fragrance in the targeted environment in the amount and concentration requested by a partner. Thus, the offered adsorbent is suitable for the production of air fresheners, moisture and odour suppressants. It can be also used as a drug carrier or pills filler. The adsorbent is biodegradable, biocompatible, microbiologically clean and dispersible. It is neutral in terms of colour, smell and flavour. The scientist would like to see his invention used on an industrial scale, therefore he is looking for partners that would like to buy or license the technology. In both cases, a partner will be responsible for implementing the technology into his production process. The scientist will lend his expertise in adapting and introducing the technology.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Commercial agreement with technical assistance: - Type of partner sought: industry; - Field of partner's activity: production of household chemicals or medicines, printing; - Role of partner sought: technology purchasing and introduction into production process. License agreement: - Type of partner sought: industry; - Field of partner's activity: production of household chemicals or medicines, printing; - Role of partner sought: commercial implementation of the technology under the license.
Stage of Development: 
Available for demonstration
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
Technology is ready for implementation.
IPR Status: 
Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
Polish and European patents are granted.
External code: 