Turkish frozen food producer seeks for distributors in Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania.

Turkish company is looking for trade intermediaries for frozen and fresh fish and seafood under distribution services agreements in Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania.
The company was founded in 1995 and has been rapidly developed since then. The company provides services for whole public consumption places, gross grocery stores, restaurants and hotel chains and exports in many foreign countries such as America, Spain, Italy, Greece and Germany.The company is looking for distributors in Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania in order to expand its sales network. The company processes water products (fisheries) such as : caramote, prawn, whiting, pink shrimp, anchovy, octopus, sea bream, sardines, mullets, smelt and sea bass. The company’s productions are supplied seasonally by contractual boats operating in sea and lakes in Marmara and Black Sea reagons of Turkey water fishing and brought to its factory by refrigerated vehicles without breaking the cold chain. Packaged products are stored in frozen storage rooms and prepared for delivery. The company has BRC and HACCP certificates.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for for partners in seafood industry in Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania in order to commercializeits products in their markets, through distribution services agreements. They may be wholesalers/distributors of food products, grocery stores or supermarkets. Restaurants and hotels can also be considered. The specific requirements of the food safety/HACCP is required.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Trade Marks
External code: 