Turkish software company specialized in simulation and modeling technologies for defense industry offers subcontracting and outsourcing agreements

A young and dynamic Turkish company specializes in software development, simulation and modeling mainly for the defense sector. Simulation run-time infrastructure, new generation joint war game simulation, tactical environment simulations, radar and electro-optic models are among the software types developed by the company. The company offers subcontracting and outsourcing agreements.
The Turkish company located in a Technopark is a young and dynamic company established in 2016 by the engineers with extensive knowledge and experience in software development and simulation&modeling technologies. The company mainly serves for the defense industry with a focus on structural simulations and wargaming simulations in particular. It also develops a variety of unique infrastructure software for developers and end-users. In addition to simulation&modeling, the company is competent in software development areas such as high performance programming, user interactive design and development, cross-platform applications in different areas such as command control systems, health technologies and information applications. Some infrastructure software in the field of simulation and modeling developed by the company are as follows: - tactical environment simulation using the infrastructure software developed by the company in the previous years - an integrated software family including run-time infrastructure, record and playback tool, visualization tool and a code generator - radar and electro-optic models - dynamic adaptive and visual model definition language and tools product which is applicable to many simulation modeling projects. - simple and easy-to-use, platform-independent, 2 and 3-dimensional applications to meet the visual needs of the synthetic battlefield and tactical environment supported by technological innovations such as touch screens, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality applications. - a war gaming framework that can be used for planning, operating and end-of-activity evaluation of simulations. In order to increase its market share, the company wants to provide its services under subcontracting and outsourcing agreements
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The Turkish company looks for companies, research institutions involved in defense industry under outsourcing or subcontracting agreements in order to provide its services. The partners shall provide the company with all relevant information.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 