Ukrainian company that developed private messenger with unique security technology is looking for partners for commercial agency agreements

Ukrainian company, which is an expert in all types of security aspects with more than 20 years’ experience, is looking for partners for commercial agency agreements in Germany, France, Italy, UK and Sweden, to grow internationally. The company offers a messenger that successfully resists the most common types of cyber security threats, server hacks and data recovery using digital mobile forensics equipment.
Ukrainian company from the East of Ukraine with more than 20 years experience, one of the leaders in the field has developed private messenger where no database of the mobile phone used. This messenger is completely safe and protected from the aside entry. No-one and nothing is able to read and/or listen in to any communications when this messenger is used. It is possible to operate several hidden accounts in one app. The application by default is able to be operated via text messages, voice messages, also files sending option is included and groups encrypted communication. Developed application has the random encryption key generation using a gyroscope/tapping/timestamps. Any MITM (man-in-the-middle attack) is impossible. The software allows to use seed phrase and password to transfer account to the new device. The application gives opportunity to add external user to contacts by one-time URL (Uniform Resource Locator). There is an option to operate via web version for secure work on PC. In case of big scale projects, the fast on-premise deployment for enterprises is available. The company plans to promote the application to the global market and find the global partner to act overseas. The company is seeking partners through commercial agency agreement to expand the company’s foothold more globally.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is seeking reliable partners to expand the companies foothold more globally and find new markets which they can sell their products. Company is looking for partners in the frame of the commercial agency agreement, in the following sectors: • Police • Security agencies • VIP security companies Consultants and other cyber security specialists operative in the field and willing to act as commercial agents.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Secret Know-how,Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
External code: 