Wireless Autonomous power supply for IoT/sensor communication

A French small mid-cap company active in the development and production of electromagnetic sensors and convertors has developed a new energy harvester technology from electric wire or cables allowing wireless autonomous power supply for IoT devices or sensor It is looking for industrial partners developing sensors, IoT products or IoT communication devices for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or for technological cooperation on the development of new products.
This French company belonging to a mid-cap group is renown in the development and production of electromagnetic based current monitoring products. It has developed and patented a set of induction based energy harvester technologies allowing autonomous and wireless power supply for multiple applications. The principle is to harvest the electromagnetic current produced by induction when an electrical current travels through a wire or a cable. The innovation relies in the ability to harvest this energy even from low voltage wires but also to transform this current in steady and direct current commonly required to power small items like Internet of Things devices or set of sensors. This technology easily replaces batteries or wirings usually required for the installation of sensors or IoT devices on a system. There are multiple applications of this technology : - It may be used by companies manufacturing current monitoring devices used on high voltage power lines to control irregularities or for smart grid applications allowing to make the best use of cables to carry power according to external conditions (temperature for instance) - in industry to monitor processes on line through sensors (for instance humidity, ozone level, …) - in home automation (for instance to turn regular appliances into smart appliances) - in measuring - for signal (airport runways or construction warning beacons) - for smart city (lightning monitoring, signals) - for IoT monitoring systems in general Besides, the company is able to provide either the energy harvesting device alone (based on electromagnetic core associated to a specially tuned electronics), or a complete power supply device or a power supply with its embedded intelligence. The company is now looking for industrial partners in Europe active in those application areas, to provide its technology under commercial agreement with technical assistance, or to co-develop new applications under technological agreement
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Type : Industry of all sizes 1° Manufacturer of cable monitoring sensors 2° Manufacturer of IoT devices or IoT systems 3° Manufacturer of electrical cables 4° Manufacturer of light signals Role : Integrating the energy harvesting technology device in their products under a commercial agreement with technical assistance Co-developing new wireless autonomous IoT products under a technological cooperation agreement.
Stage of Development: 
Prototype available for demonstration
IPR Status: 
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
External code: 