Montenegrin recruitment and consultancy company offers its services to recruitment agencies from EU under commercial agency agreements.

24.02.2020Published 1821 days ago
This Montenegrin company was established in 2012. It handles the entire process of recruiting: advertising; short-listing and face-to-face interviews of the candidates; reference checking; document handling and insurance support. The exact activities of the company are employment, permanent employment, recruitment and selection, adult education, other human resources activities. The company can recruit staff in various fields, such as: hospitality, healthcare, legal sector, construction, trades, IT, and in other fields. The company has a good experience in working with United Arab Emirates

Start-up company in tourism from Montenegro is looking for partners in tourism or HR sector under service agreement

18.12.2018Published 2254 days ago
New start-up company from Montenegro was founded by a former international manager who blended his business expertise, private insights and passion for his home country to build a wellness platform which gathers small groups of like-minded people from all over the world under one Mediterranean roof. The named company aims to provide all their guests with an unforgettable experience that fuses light physical activity with getting to know the most charming Mediterranean county - it’s centuries-old culture and it’s warm, friendly people - from the exclusive seats.

Montenegrin recruitment and HR consultancy company offers its services to recruitment agencies from EU.

30.01.2018Published 2576 days ago
This Montenegrin company was established in 2012. It handles the entire process of recruiting: advertising; short-listing and face-to-face interviews of the candidates; reference checking; document handling and insurance support. The exact activities of the company are employment, permanent employment, recruitment and selection, adult education, other human resources activities. The company can recruit staff in various fields, such as: hospitality, healthcare, legal sector, construction, trades, IT, and in other fields. The company has a good experience in working with United Arab Emirates
