Intelligent digital real-time management and cloud optimisation for private / public transport organisations or operators offered by a French scale-up for technical cooperation

06.10.2021Published 1222 days ago
The French scale-up has displayed since 2012 transit connected systems able to check remote information such as travel titles, ridership, schedule, vehicle load factors... in real time. Traditional fare collection systems are complex, off-line and unaffordable to many area. Relying on on-demand data, the mobility cloud platform developed by the French company has brought intelligence to a growing number of commercial and school transport networks.

Innovative digital real-time management and cloud optimisation solutions for public transport networks : commercial cooperation sought by a French scale-up with private / public transport organisations, integrators, distributors and resellers

06.10.2021Published 1222 days ago
The French scale-up has displayed since 2012 transit connected systems able to check remote information such as travel titles, ridership, schedule, vehicle load factors... in real time. Traditional fare collection systems are complex, offline and unaffordable to many area. Relying on on-demand data, the mobility cloud platform developed by the French company has brought intelligence to a growing number of commercial and school transport networks.

Air jet micronization for precision grain size powder production in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries

04.10.2021Published 1224 days ago
Food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries are nowadays looking for higher precision grain size for the development of new powder based products. This French SME is specialized in grinding has developed a new technology based on air jet micronization. Air-jet micronization involves projecting particles against each other using converging air jets. The impact of these in these air jets causes them to burst into finer particles.

French company seeks a supplier of high-resolution turbidimeters under distribution agreement, for online turbidity measurement in private swimming pools water

30.09.2021Published 1228 days ago
The French company is finalising an innovative project with the aim of reducing energy consumption for everyday running of cleaning circuit system for swimming pools in private houses. Indeed, to keep the water transparent, the current filtering systems are energy consuming, by working many hours per day, perhaps longer than useful. In order to optimise the operating time of the filtration pump to save energy, the SME needs to start/stop the swimming pool filters electrical mechanism when necessary, that is to say when a change of turbidity is detected.

Eco-friendly plant extraction at industrial scale to develop and produce natural extracts for use in cosmetics, food, feed, fragrances, flavors or agriculture

30.09.2021Published 1228 days ago
In the actual changing world, a French SME aims to provide natural solutions based on the resilience of plants to satisfy today’s societal and environmental issues. As a result, the SME has fully developed a technological green solution which is combining several extraction techniques, mainly microwaves, in association with mixing, cooling capabilities and vacuum.

Looking for high-resolution 0.1 nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU) turbidimeters or probes for checking the level of water transparency in private house swimming pools

30.09.2021Published 1228 days ago
The French company aims to optimise the operating time of the filtration pump in order to reduce energy consumption to keep private swimming pools water clear. Indeed, to keep the water transparent the filtering systems are energy consuming by working many hours per day, perhaps longer than it is useful. The final goal is to measure online with a turbidimeter or a probe the variations of turbidity and transmit them to the management unit to control the filtration pump of swimming pool.

An eco-responsible leather goods SME is looking for suppliers of vegetable leather, cork or cellulose in rolls

29.09.2021Published 1229 days ago
French designer in committed leather goods and respectful of the environment, her clients have a sensitivity for aesthetic and practical aspects, as well as an eco-responsible approach in their consumption of goods. They are looking for original and quality articles and they are sometimes in demand of tailor-made. They appreciate the approach and are interested in innovative, sustainable materials, in a framework that also relates to the Social and Solidarity Economy. The collections are intended for men and women, the pieces are unique or in small series.

A French SME, producer of innovative gourmet cooking aids is looking for commercial agents and distributors across Europe

28.09.2021Published 1230 days ago
The French SME is situated in the South West of France in an area well known for its production of apple, chestnut, red fruits. Created in 2017, the founders are specialists in premium culinary innovations and cooking aids. Wishing to bring molecular cooking to every household, the company developed pearls, which are small alginate balls with a liquid core. Thanks to natural spherification, a method derived from molecular cooking, the recipes are developed from noble and quality ingredients, encapsulated in the heart of a fine membrane of alginate, an extract of brown seaweed.

French company of eco-friendly women clothes is looking for fabric manufacturers under supplier agreements

27.09.2021Published 1231 days ago
The French company was founded in 2004 and is a retail shop of eco-friendly women clothes offering its clients colourful, original and printed products. The company historically has been working with few brands but providing high quality and eco-friendly garments. The company, which is very sensitive to the raw materials used to manufacture the products, had the opportunity in 2020 to start working with a textile designer and a textile engineer to design its own eco-friendly brand and make it manufactured in France. The printed patterns are designed by the textile designer.

A French company manufacturing organic, plant-based and gluten-free individual fresh and frozen desserts is searching for distributors

24.09.2021Published 1234 days ago
A France-based company is specialized in individual fresh and frozen desserts made with ingredients which are 100% organic, plant-based, with no additive nor artificial coloring, gluten-free and very reduced in allergens. These ingredients are issued from local production or fair trade.
