Award-winning hand brewed Danish beer with novel flavours offered for distribution

03.08.2017Published 2754 days ago
The Danish brewery was founded in 2011, as a result of a merger of two long-standing breweries with two experienced brewmasters running the new business. They experiment with new brewing techniques and flavour combinations, all the while still hand-brewing their whole collection, and have gained a lot of interest in the national market. After having several years of profitable earnings, they plan to start expanding beyond Denmark, with the goal to generate at least 35% of turnover from export from the second half of 2017 onwards. They produce two series of beer: 1. The numbered series: a.

Danish clean-tech company seeks distributors for a novel whole-room disinfection robot

26.07.2017Published 2762 days ago
Copenhagen and the Metropolitan University College are two of the science-knowledge partners of the company. They do their research and development work in Copenhagen, while the robot is manufactured in Sweden. The robot is currently sold in Qatar, Turkey and the UK to private clinics or certified partners. They provide the market with the following: - clean air solutions for polluting industries - systems to improve the air quality in indoor environment - disinfection technology to totally kill dangerous viruses, bacteria and fungi.
