Russian producer of plants for environmentally friendly waste processing is looking for foreign partners under outsourcing agreements

30.07.2021Published 1290 days ago
A Russian company from the Novosibirsk region specializes in the development and implementation of biogas plants to improve production efficiency. The company was established in 2013. The company has partners in different European countries. Over the years of its existence, the company has implemented several international projects related to the installation of biogas equipment. Biogas equipment is a comprehensive solution for the disposal of waste from the food industry, the agro-industrial complex, the production of heat, electricity, and fertilizers.

Technology for effective absorption of drugs into blood

30.07.2021Published 1290 days ago
The Russian company is a developer of innovative technology. It was founded in 1916 and over the years of its existence annually extol the contribution to innovation and development of the medical field. There are a number of drugs with extremely low oral bioavailability. The only insignificant portion of a drug reaches the bloodstream when administrated orally. This requires more complex ways of taking the medicine: subcutaneous and intravenous injections. The basis of the developed technology is a unique multi-component oral administration system of drugs into the blood.

A Russian developer and manufacturer of software for ICT and scanning is looking for foreign partners to conclude a distribution services agreement

29.07.2021Published 1291 days ago
The Russian company from the Moscow region was founded in 2008. The company has been on the market for more than 10 years and has won the trust of scanner consumers. Now the company is the leader in the number of professional scanners sold in Russia, more than 850 pcs. The company's specialists quickly respond to changes in market needs and begin to develop new models of 3D scanners with maximum functions.

Russian producer of detergents for cleaning coffee machines and equipment is looking foreign distributors

28.07.2021Published 1292 days ago
The Russian company from Volgograd was founded in 2010. The company is an innovative organization that produces chemical products. The company develops and produces a wide range of chemical materials for the aluminum, food, mining, pulp and paper, construction and chemical industries. The company's specialists cooperate with leading Russian and European institutes and chemical companies and are constantly learning and introducing new knowledge into production. The company has developed modern detergents for cleaning coffee machines and coffee equipment.

Russian producer of materials for creativity and needlework that are safe for children is looking for foreign distributors

27.07.2021Published 1293 days ago
The Russian company from the Yaroslavl region specializes in the production of arts and crafts for children and adults. The company was founded in 1992. The Russian company actively cooperates with educational institutions: teachers, psychologists, educators.

Russian developer of medical simulators for training is looking for foreign distributors and agents

26.07.2021Published 1294 days ago
The Russian company from Ryazan was founded in 2012. Over the years of its existence on the market, the company has become a leading company in Russia in the field of the development and production of innovative medical devices. The Russian company develops medical simulators for various purposes. The product line includes the following types of medical simulators: laparoscopy simulators, hysteroscopy and urology simulators, endoscopy simulators, ultrasound diagnostics simulators, etc.

Russian timber industry enterprise that produces planed and edged lumber from coniferous wood is looking for foreign partners

26.07.2021Published 1294 days ago
The Russian company from Tver was founded in 2013, although it began its activity back in 1996. The main activity of the company is harvesting and processing of wood, production of lumber. The company has made significant progress in the deep processing of wood. Along with sawmilling, the company produces a floor board, lining, skirting board, trim, rail, the bar of various sizes and configurations from dry material.

Russian company engaged in the development of medical robots for patients is looking for reliable foreign distributors and agents

24.07.2021Published 1296 days ago
The Russian company from Kazan was founded in 2012. Nowadays, it is a modern, innovative and rapidly developing company specializing in the development and production of high-tech medical devices and equipment. The company develops robots for patients of various configurations. These models of robot patients can be both adult patients, newborns and teenage patients. Robots patients are characterized by high realism and ease of use.

Russian producer of oral products is looking for foreign distributors

23.07.2021Published 1297 days ago
The Russian company from Tomsk was founded in 2002. Over the years of its existence in the market of medical drugs and products for human health, the company occupies a leading position in Russia. The Russian company produces innovative oral care products. Innovative oral care agents with clinically proven effective for prophylaxis and treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontosis, and stomatitis: - A special complex (LED toothbrush and chlorophyll toothpaste) for conduction of photodynamic therapy (PDT) at home.

A Russian producer of innovative technologies of water treatment for various purposes is looking for foreign manufacturing orders

23.07.2021Published 1297 days ago
A Russian company from Yekaterinburg was founded in 2017. The company has been developing technologies for the treatment of industrial wastewater and drinking water since 2017. These technologies are based on the use of highly dispersed modified aluminosilicates with a particle size of 20-100 nanometers. The surface area of these materials is over 500m2/g.
