Russian producer of X-ray equipment is looking for foreign distributors

14.09.2021Published 1253 days ago
The Russian company from Moscow was founded in 2017. The company specializes in the development, production and supply of analytical equipment based on X-ray methods of non-destructive testing. The equipment is supplied for industrial enterprises, universities, regulatory institutions, laboratories for various purposes. The company's team has considerable experience in the development and implementation of X-ray equipment, including using polycapillary X-ray optics. A Russian company offers a portable X-ray diffractometer for determining mechanical stresses.

Russian producer of disposable eco-friendly tableware made of birch veneer is looking for foreign distributors

06.09.2021Published 1261 days ago
The Russian company from Nizhny Novgorod was founded in 2019. The company is a leading manufacturer of disposable wooden cutlery. The company produces the following types of products: forks, knives, plates, stirrers for hot or cold drinks. The company produces eco-dishes of various shapes, lengths, and thicknesses. The basis of the products is deciduous tree species. The company mainly uses birch veneer in its production. The company's products are made from high-quality certified raw materials. This is confirmed by the international FSC certificate.

Russian developer of the innovative laryngeal mask with a non-inflated cuff is looking for partners to conclude commercial agreement with technical assistance and/or financial agreement

06.09.2021Published 1261 days ago
The Russian company from the Rostov region is a fast-growing developing company. The company is engaged in the development of innovative technologies in medicine. Currently, most foreign and Russian clinics use classic laryngeal masks with an inflated cuff. The laryngeal mask is installed in the patient's larynx. The path to the larynx is narrow, so the laryngeal mask is smaller when installed than during anesthesia. Changing the size of a classic mask is achieved by inflating the cuff. A number of complications may be associated with this cuff.

Russian developer of an IT product that recognizes, analyzes and interprets emotional behaviour is looking for a partner to conclude a joint venture agreement

06.09.2021Published 1261 days ago
The Russian company specializes in the development of IT products and solutions on the basis of people's emotional behavior, using AI algorithms. The company has established itself in the RF market. Besides IT, it has a strong team of professionals from various fields: marketers, designers, analysts, etc. The Russian company offers a developed innovative IT product that allows recognizing, to analyze and interpret the behavior and emotional state of people in real-time.

Russian producer of devices for the quality control of oil products is looking for foreign distributors

01.09.2021Published 1266 days ago
The Russian company from Ufa was founded in 2002. The company has become the most successful enterprise in the field of the production of quality control devices for petroleum products. Today it is a dynamically developing company in the market of Russia, the CIS countries and far abroad. The company is engaged in the production and development of automatic quality control devices for various types of products (fuels, oils, lubricants, bitumen and bituminized materials, catalysts, asphalt concrete, geotextile materials, and others).

Russian producer of fish products is looking for foreign distributors

19.08.2021Published 1279 days ago
The Russian company from Astrakhan was founded in 1999. For 21 years of its existence on the market, the company has taken a leading position in catching and processing fish. The company has quotas for fishing, a mining fleet, and processing facilities for the production of a wide range of fish products. The range of products includes more than three hundred items, including chilled, frozen, dried, smoked fish, fish semi-finished products, caviar and preserves. The main specialization of the company is the production of frozen fish fillets, as well as dried-dried fish products.

Russian producer of felt parts is looking for foreign distributors

19.08.2021Published 1279 days ago
A Russian company from the Nizhny Novgorod region has been manufacturing felt parts since 2005. Nowadays, it is quite a successful, competitive enterprise, known not only in Russian but also in foreign markets. The company is constantly developing and mastering new technologies, as well as expanding and modernizing the range of products. The company produces felt parts for machine-building plants, automotive industry, wheeled military equipment, footwear and saddlery-rigging industry in accordance with GOST (state standard).

Russian research university has developed chemical reagents for fast and complex water purification to conclude a commercial agreement with technical assistance

04.08.2021Published 1294 days ago
The developer of the technology is a research institute, which is part of a multidisciplinary university from Russia. It was founded in 1916. Water is an essential resource for many industries and serves as a source of life for all living beings. Therefore, thorough treatment of water and sewage is so necessary. There is a wide variety of soluble and insoluble pollutants, and therefore there is no universal way to neutralize and remove them. Therefore, for the implementation of sewage treatment processes, it is necessary to comply with various cleaning methods.

Russian institute of technology for production of micro-fertilizers based on a biodegradable polymer matrix, used as a carrier of trace elements and / or mineral fertilizers released in the soil, is looking for foreign partners

04.08.2021Published 1294 days ago
The Russian Research University was founded in 1916 and is engaged in the development of innovative technologies for the production of micro-fertilizers to improve plant growth. As time goes by, cultivated soils are depleted not only of mineral elements but also several microorganisms living in the soil. Therefore, the problem of maintaining soil microbiota is as important as maintaining the number of mineral elements in the soil. Current methods of maintaining microbiota include the use of phyto activators and activators of microbiota-containing bacteria.

Russian medical institute has developed a technology for the covering of implants used in surgery and is looking for foreign partners

04.08.2021Published 1294 days ago
The Russian Research institute was founded in 1916. The University has developed an innovative technical technology for multi-layer coating on the surface of implant organs, synthesizing the protective properties of nanoparticles and biopolymers. Titanium implants are widely used in traumatology and orthopedics. The major part of all operations in traumatology is conducted on potentially infected wounds. The only way to deal with infections is the preparatory treatment of wounds with antibiotics before implantation.
