Russian research and production company is developing high-voltage testing equipment and is looking for distributors

02.12.2021Published 1172 days ago
The Russian company from the Republic of Dagestan was founded in 2006. The company is a professional manufacturer of high-voltage testing and measuring equipment and has a high reputation for the quality and reliability of its products. The company supplies testing, measuring and diagnostic equipment for wide application in testing laboratories, for research purposes, in production and at facilities in the field. Measuring equipment is used to check the parameters of measuring and power transformers.

Russian producer of tachographs is looking for foreign distributors

29.11.2021Published 1175 days ago
The Russian small enterprise from Moscow was created in 2014. The company produces more than 800 types of products. Highly qualified developers and programmers allow the company to create products that are competitive on the world market. All products are exported to 30 countries and sold to more than 3,000 Russian companies. There are sales offices in Russia, Germany, Dubai and Bulgaria. The company has several factories in Russia and 1 in Bulgaria. In the near future, production will be established in Germany. The total production area is more than 150 thousand sq. m.

Russian producer of climate testing equipment is looking for a distributors

29.11.2021Published 1175 days ago
A Russian company from the Volgograd region has been developing and manufacturing climate testing equipment since 2014. The test equipment is designed to study the influence of various factors, most often malicious, on the devices, devices and materials under study. The purpose of the tests is to determine the value of the probability of maintaining the operability of the object, after repeated exposure to extreme external factors. For this purpose, not only equipment is being created, but also test methods. The most widely used test climate equipment.

Russian producer of antimicrobial copper foil with adhesive layer is looking for foreign distributors and/or agents

25.11.2021Published 1179 days ago
The Russian company produces a solution for the destruction of microbes and pathogenic microorganisms using copper. It is known and confirmed by numerous studies that copper has antimicrobial and bacteriostatic properties, and copper is more effective in its antibacterial properties than silver. The epidemiological situation and the fact that 80% of infections are transmitted through touch open up a new market for copper consumption.

Russian company developed an innovative technology of mineral coatings and is offering a commercial agreement with a technical assistant.

18.11.2021Published 1186 days ago
The Russian research and production company from the Kaluga region was founded in 2015. The company has been awarded numerous awards won at international exhibitions. For 12 years of work, the company has developed a wide range of mineral coatings. The company has its own modern machine-building base in Kaluga with a total area of 2000 square meters. Great scientific potential and constant investments in research and development allow to comprehensively solve the tasks set by the company in various fields of activity.

Distribution partners are sought by a Russian producer of special additives for long-term operation of machine engines

17.11.2021Published 1187 days ago
The Russian company from Yekaterinburg was established in 2009 and is engaged in the research and development of innovative products based on ultrafine nanodiamond powders for various types of transport. Since 2010, the scientific supervisor is Alexander Ilyin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, a world-renowned expert in the field of explosive nanopowders. Two scientific leaders of the company have more than 8 monographs and more than 100 patents.

Russian manufacturer of veterinary drugs and pet care products is looking for distributors

15.11.2021Published 1189 days ago
The Russian company from Moscow was established in 1993 and is engaged in the development and production of various animal preparations, including cosmetics and medicals. In 2012, the company received a European GMP certificate (good manufacturing practice commission). This document opened access to the market for veterinary drugs of any country in the European Union, as well as to the markets of many other countries that trust European quality standards (USA, Taiwan, Japan, etc.). Today, the company exports its products to 18 countries.

Russian producer of drying chambers for plastic, which are used for 3D printing, is looking for foreign distributors

12.11.2021Published 1192 days ago
A Russian company from Moscow is engaged in the development and production of equipment and materials for 3D printing. For more than 14 years, the company has been a market leader in the production of professional printing equipment. The print quality depends not only on the characteristics of the printer. The strength of the product is formed already at the stage of storage and preparation of plastics for work. There must be no moisture in the materials before printing. A Russian company offers a drying chamber for drying plastic.

Russian producer of measuring systems for railway wagons in motion is looking for foreign distributors

12.11.2021Published 1192 days ago
A Russian company from the Rostov region was founded in 2012. Now the company is actively developing in the field of production of computer force measuring systems. The company has its own production facilities and a highly qualified staff of employees. The Russian company offers railway carriage scales. This is a system for weighing wagons in motion. The company manufactures scales from existing rails without construction work, without cutting, drilling, or any other mechanical intervention.

Russian producer of medical equipment is looking for reliable suppliers of heat moisture exchanging paper elements for respiratory filters

11.11.2021Published 1193 days ago
The Russian company distributes medical equipment. Now the company is preparing its own production base for which it will produce medical equipment. Now the company is increasing its capacity and is looking for suppliers of high-quality raw materials. A Russian company is looking for a manufacturer of medical components and materials. The company is interested in purchasing a heat moisture exchanging paper element that is used for the production of breathing filters. It is used as a component part for assembling of filters for breathing system of artificial lung ventilation.
