Russian developer of a dry magnetic flaw detector for scanning defects at industrial facilities is looking for foreign distributors

04.11.2021Published 1202 days ago
The Russian company is a market leader in the development and production of equipment for non-destructive testing. The company has developed innovative equipment dry magnetic flaw detectors. The dry magnetic flaw detector for scanning pipes is designed for non-destructive testing of the main and auxiliary equipment of oil and gas production complexes.

Russian developer of the microwave radiation technology and installation used in petrochemistry is looking for partners in order to conclude commercial agreement with technical assistance

31.10.2021Published 1206 days ago
The Russian company was founded in 2004. The company is a market leader and is developing new technology for the petrochemical industry. The company is located on its own premises and has new modern equipment. The company has its own design department, which is capable of developing modern high-tech components, devices, and apparatus. The company offers a new technology for the introduction and maintenance of industrial installations for the processing of styrene mixture by microwave radiation.

Russian agency for the search and selection of various personnel is looking for foreign partners to conclude an outsourcing agreement

26.10.2021Published 1211 days ago
The Russian company from Moscow was founded in 2003. The company is a leader in the field of recruitment for both Russian and foreign companies. The company has a staff of employees in each area. Every year, the company's employees undergo advanced training and improve their skills in the recruitment process. The Russian company offers its comprehensive personnel search services in various fields. Each agency recruiter in the team is pumped for a certain direction and has all the necessary competencies.

Russian company engaged in the search for IT specialists is looking for foreign partners to conclude outsourcing agreement

26.10.2021Published 1211 days ago
The Russian company from Moscow was founded in 2003. Over the years of its existence in the market, the company has been a leader in the search for highly qualified personnel in the field of IT technologies. For almost 20 years of successful work in this market segment, the company has earned an impeccable business reputation and helped a lot of the companies. The Russian company has established itself in the selection of IT specialists not only for Russian companies but also for foreign ones. The company offers its services for the search of IT specialists.

Russian developer of a multifunctional digital platform for managing the infrastructure of a residential complex is looking for foreign partners to conclude a license agreement

25.10.2021Published 1212 days ago
The Russian company from Moscow was founded in 2006. The company is a leader in the production of non-standard IT technologies and platforms. With extensive experience, the company has developed more than 300 different programs for Russian and foreign companies. The company has its own workspace with the best developers and programmers of the country. The company's specialists are highly qualified and annually receive a new level of their knowledge.

Russian manufacturer of lifting equipment (ladder, stepladder) for high-rise works is looking for foreign partners to conclude a distribution services agreement and/or a manufacturing agreement

21.10.2021Published 1216 days ago
The Russian company from the Leningrad region was founded in 2014. The company is one of the leading brands in the market of high-rise structures in Russia. The plant of high-rise structures produces modern and reliable equipment for high-rise work. The company has an assortment of more than 400 product names. The product range includes ladders (sliding, one-, two - and three-section), including garden ones, transformers, height of up to 7 meters. The permissible load on the products is 300 kg. For the production of products, the company uses high-strength aluminum structures.

Russian developer of diagnostic kits and test systems for patients is looking for foreign distributors

19.10.2021Published 1218 days ago
The company from Novosibirsk is engaged in innovative developments in the field of medicine. For several years of its operation, the company has become a leader in Russia in the production of test systems for detecting diseases in patients. The company is a developer of innovative multiplex kits for the early diagnosis of various diseases. The company develops kits for enzyme immunoassay, multicomplex diagnosis of PCR tests. In addition, the company is a leading distributor of a number of Russian and foreign manufacturers of test systems for medicine.

Russian developer and manufacturer of immunochips for the diagnosis of various human diseases is looking for foreign distributors

19.10.2021Published 1218 days ago
A Russian company from Novosibirsk is located in a research and production cluster. The company develops and produces an innovative test system for determining a variety of infectious diseases in humans. A team of highly qualified specialists, a strong portfolio of promising developments and its own production made the company a significant manufacturer of sales of goods for medicine. The company offers multidisciplinary immunodiagnostics - immunochips.

Russian producer of energy-efficient mobile lighting equipment is looking for foreign distributors

14.10.2021Published 1223 days ago
The Russian company from Moscow was founded in 2012. The company is engaged in the production and sale of mobile lighting installations, diesel power plants, mobile autonomous video surveillance stations in Russia, the CIS and far abroad. The lighting masts are designed to illuminate objects in the dark when it is impossible to connect lighting devices to the main power grid. In such situations, the equipment is equipped with a powerful generator or solar batteries.

Russian developer and producer of an ultradisperse additive used for automotive engines is looking for foreign distributors and sales agents

14.10.2021Published 1223 days ago
The Russian company from Yekaterinburg was established in 2009 and is engaged in the research and development of innovative products based on ultrafine nanodiamond powders for various types of transport. Since 2010, the scientific supervisor is Alexander Ilyin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, a world-renowned expert in the field of explosive nanopowders. Two scientific leaders of the company have more than 8 monographs and more than 100 patents.
