Advanced technology for pretreatment of municipal wastewater sludge for better biogas generation and decrease of sludge accumulation

16.06.2021Published 1309 days ago
Sewage is treated in wastewater treatment plants to recover usable water streams. The semisolid or solid by-product formed during the processing of sewage is known as sludge. Treatment of sludge is chiefly designed for reducing the sludge volume and converting the organic materials in the sludge into stable substances, to enable effective disposal, recover a usable product, or generate biogas.

Compact, lightweight & low-cost hydrogen fuel cell

16.06.2021Published 1309 days ago
Energy system models suggest hydrogen and fuel cells (FCs) will play an important role in climate change mitigation. However, one of the major historical and current challenges of commercialising fuel cell technology has been cost. Nonetheless the market is growing exponentially despite the cost/kilowatt (kw) at over 1,000 EUR highlights consumers’ willingness to pay in the face of increasingly stringent environmental regulations. In the face of fast-approaching decarbonisation targets, in many cases (such as heavy vehicles) there is no practical alternative technological solution.

New in-situ process for non-glyphosate vegetation control and decontamination of railway ballast, soil and groundwater from pollutants and glyphosate leftovers

15.06.2021Published 1310 days ago
For safety, operational and environmental requirements railway ballast and train tracks must be largely free of vegetation and organic leftovers. In addition to this, the railway ballast should be clean from organic leftovers. The common market solution to prevent and treat vegetation on railway tracks is the use of soil herbicides and leaf herbicides. However, this solution is expensive, complicate, polluting for soil and groundwater and provides a solution only for weed control.

Swiss company offers services to organise independent medical second opinions for companies and is seeking partners to conclude commercial agency agreements in Germany

08.06.2021Published 1317 days ago
Mainly active in the Netherlands and with 22 years of experience, the company with headquarters in Switzerland offers a second opinion service which is fully digital and is delivered by a network of 250 independent medical experts. A second opinion prevents misdiagnoses and unnecessary treatments. The company's core market is in the Netherlands, where 7 million people have access to the second opinions services. The company is the only European company to offer this kind of healthcare service. The first beneficiaries of this second opinion service are the employers.

New electrically sustainable catering concept for hot meal service in hotels, communities and delivery services

26.05.2021Published 1330 days ago
During service, food has to be kept warm on various appliances, necessarily connected to the mains. This limits the service in central buffets and self-services and makes it necessary to cover the food, especially if the buffets are far from the kitchen. This is expensive in terms of operating costs and logistics. The Swiss start-up developed an "all in one" catering equipment for processing and distributing collective hot meals based on a different thermodynamic principle than cooking or reheating food.

Swiss manufacturer for sustainable and economical soil enhancers and plant strengtheners products is looking for distribution partners in technology for agriculture

10.05.2021Published 1346 days ago
The products of the Swiss, family-owned company optimize and activate existing resources to ensure that the problem is tackled at its root, rather than just solving an individual symptom. The products work in conjunction with nature and improve the quality and yield of the harvest cost-efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner. The company has developed a technology that makes it possible to transfer selected active frequencies and properties to other carrier materials.

Novel drugs for the treatment of aging-related diseases like colorectal cancer and glaucoma.

07.04.2021Published 1379 days ago
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most prevalent cancer worldwide (10.2% of all cancer cases) and the second leading cause of cancer mortality. Several risk factors may increase the chance of developing CRC, such as age, familial CRC, lifestyle factors, colorectal polyps and inflammatory bowel diseases. It has been shown that CRC develops from adenomatous polyps that grow slowly before becoming malignant. By early detection and early removal of polyps and cancerous tissue, colorectal cancer is curable in most cases.

Simplified introduction of the pentafluorosulfanyl (SF5) group in drugs to improve performance

30.03.2021Published 1387 days ago
BACKGROUND Many drugs contain fluorinated functional groups in order to add advantageous properties. Fluorinated functional groups are more likely to withstand metabolic oxidation and, thus, are less prone to rapid degradation. The fluorination also increases the lipophilicity, which is one of the tuning factors for the bioavailability of the drug. A common approach is the fluorination of the methyl group (CH3) to trifluoromethyl (CF3). Related groups like the pentafluorosulfanyl (SF5) group have additional benefits because of their size and hydrolytic stability.

Impact of projects is assured by measuring search volumes on more than 10’000 channels, in 200 countries and in 30 languages

29.03.2021Published 1388 days ago
Online research often focuses on common channels such as Google or Facebook. The present technology developed by a Swiss R&D institute goes far beyond and applies a new cross and multi channel approach, extracting application programming interface (API) data from 14’103 sources worldwide including search engines (e.g., Wikipedia, Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Ask, Lycos, Alexa, Technorati, MetaCrawler,, local SE’s etc.), social network platforms (e.g., facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc.) and e-shop searches (e.g. Amazon, ebay, Alibaba etc.).

Sustainable, recyclable material for covering parts of electric one seat scooter sought

22.03.2021Published 1395 days ago
A Swiss spin-off from a University of Applied Sciences has developed an electric vehicle specifically designed for urban, short distance mobility. The vehicle helps to reduce the inner-city CO2-emissions caused by traffic. It is extremely easy and fun, as well as safe to drive in all weather conditions and also on slippery floors. The vehicle has a maximum speed of 45 km/h. It has the smallest footprint (1.2m2) and is the lightest (80 kg) three-wheel vehicle on the market.
