Swiss market leader for reusable packaging (platform and product) in the food takeaway industry seeks franchisees in the EU

03.03.2021Published 1446 days ago
The Swiss company has developed a range of reusable and recyclable products that fulfil the highest standards in reusable packaging and has successfully built a network of over 1700 partners in Switzerland and Germany – offering their partners (restaurants and actors of the food takeaway industry) attractive cost and resource-saving opportunities. This wide network, combined with the analogue and digital (app based) deposit-system, allows consumers to obtain and return products at every partner location in Europe.

Safe and effective Salmonella vaccine for application in livestock rearing

10.02.2021Published 1467 days ago
BACKGROUND: The non-Typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) serotypes are a primary cause of foodborne illnesses worldwide. As well as causing infections, these bacteria are very often asymptomatically carried in the intestinal microbiota of livestock, which is a major concern in pigs and chickens. The main preventive measures currently are hygiene practices such as handwashing, safe food preparation, quarantine, as well as antibiotics treatment.

Marketing/sales partners sought for manure to water conversion system

12.01.2021Published 1496 days ago
The removal of excess manure is an ever increasing and costly problem for large farms. The Swiss startup has developed a low cost patented turn-key system for the purely biological treatment of manure, turning manure into water, ideal for irrigation, liquid nitrogen which is turned into gaseous nitrogen and into valuable solid phosphorous. The system is sold to large pig and cow farms (at least 5‘000 pigs or 1‘000 cows) who produce at least 50 tons of manure per day and amounts that are too large to be used as fertilizer on their farms.

High performance chemical analysis and imaging platform: surface chemistry and materials physics as a service

26.10.2020Published 1574 days ago
This platform at a Swiss university provides measurements, data analysis and scientific expertise in the field of surface chemistry and materials physics. Techniques directly probe microscopic properties such as surface termination, and elemental and molecular composition, as well as bulk chemistry and bonding. These properties underpin surface functionalities such as adhesion, catalysis and bio-compatibility as well as bulk properties such as electrical conductivity and hardness.

High-performance lubricant for winter sports - biodegradable, non-toxic and easy to use. A substitute for the critical fluorine ski waxes

10.07.2020Published 1682 days ago
Background: The basic substance of the sustainable ski wax is indigo, the oldest known stable blue plant dye. One isomer of the commercially available indigo mixtures, E-Indigo, is ecologically and hygienically harmless and fits in the concept of the circular economy. This patented innovation as a lubricant on ice, snow and water can be experimentally proven to form a supra-molecular, self-organized, electrically conductive, hard, abrasion-resistant, hydrophobic sliding surface with self-healing properties.

Water treatment with very low-frequency electromagnetic resonance fields to remove limescale and biofilm from water pipes, protecting sanitary facilities and achieving biosecurity

21.04.2020Published 1762 days ago
Biofilm, corrosion, and calcium carbonate scale depositions induce significant damage in industrial, domestic and agricultural equipment using water. This causes reductions in hydrodynamic performance through pipe blocking and membrane clogging, alteration of surface structure, a decrease in heat transfer efficiency, and higher energy consumption.

Water treatment with low frequency electromagnetic resonance fields to remove biofilms from water pipes to achieve a very high level of biosecurity for livestock farming.

15.04.2020Published 1768 days ago
Population growth, climate change and limitations of natural resources mean that agriculture must become more productive, efficient and environmentally sound. Most of the branches of agricultural industry are aimed at the production of qualitative, safe and a wide range of products, and this is particularly relevant in livestock farming. One of the potential sources of animal infection is water, through which pathogens can be transferred to all the animals on a farm. It is therefore absolutely imperative that animals receive water of good quality.

Water treatment with very low-frequency electromagnetic resonance fields to optimise the irrigation process and achieve key benefits for water use, crop yields and soil quality

16.03.2020Published 1798 days ago
Population growth, climate change and limitations of natural resources mean that agriculture must become more productive, efficient and environmentally sound. According to the United Nations (UN), the world population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, placing further strain on food production. Global agriculture is tasked with meeting this demand, with cereals as its cornerstone. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) believes food demand will require raising cereal production by 70% globally. As part of improving agricultural yields, irrigation plays a crucial role.

Looking for manufacturer of metal bellows expansion joints

16.11.2018Published 2284 days ago
The Swiss NGO & research centre intends to place a contract (manufacturing agreement) for the supply of 600 metal bellows expansion joints. The metal bellows expansion joints will be used to connect the hydraulic circuits of superconducting magnets and will provide flexibility for installation and thermal contractions. The operating temperature spreads from 1.9 K (–272.15 °C) to ambient temperature, and the internal operating pressure from vacuum to 20 bar.

Looking for a manufacturer of tungsten shielding elements.

16.11.2018Published 2284 days ago
The accelerator currently used by the Swiss NGO is installed in a 27 km circumference tunnel, about 100 m underground. Its design is based on superconducting twin-aperture cryo-magnets which operate in a superfluid helium bath at 1.9 K. A project is running with the aim to upgrade the collider after 2020-2025 in order to maintain scientific progress and exploit its full capacity. By increasing its peak luminosity by a factor five over nominal value it will be able to reach a higher level of integrated luminosity, nearly ten times the initial design target.
